Here's a guide on how to Stabilize videos using Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, Final Cut Pro and DaVinci Resolve:
1. Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows and macOS):
- Import your video footage into Adobe Premiere Pro.
- Create a new sequence with the same settings as your video.
- Drag the video clip to the timeline.
- Right-click on the video clip and select "Replace with After Effects Composition."
- This will open the clip in Adobe After Effects.
- In After Effects, select the video layer and go to the "Effects" tab.
- Search for the "Warp Stabilizer" effect and drag it onto the video layer.
- Adjust the settings of the Warp Stabilizer effect as per your preference.
- Once done, go to the "Composition" menu and select "Add to Render Queue."
- Choose your desired output settings and click "Render" to export the stabilized video.
- Finally, import the stabilized video back into Premiere Pro or upload it to Google Photos.
2. iMovie (macOS and iOS):
- Import your video footage into iMovie.
- Drag the video clip to the timeline.
- Select the clip, and in the toolbar, click on the "Crop to Fill" button.
- This will enable the "Video Stabilization" option.
- Click on the "Video Stabilization" button and choose your desired stabilization level.
- iMovie will analyze and stabilize the video.
- Preview the stabilized video and make any necessary adjustments.
- Finally, export the stabilized video from iMovie and upload it to Google Photos.
3. Final Cut Pro (macOS):
- Import your video footage into Final Cut Pro.
- Drag the video clip to the timeline.
- Select the clip and go to the "Inspector" panel.
- Click on the "Video" tab and find the "Stabilization" section.
- Enable the "Stabilization" checkbox.
- Final Cut Pro will analyze and stabilize the video.
- Adjust the stabilization settings as needed.
- Preview the stabilized video and make any necessary adjustments.
- Finally, export the stabilized video from Final Cut Pro and upload it to Google Photos.
4. DaVinci Resolve (Windows, macOS, and Linux):
- Import your video footage into DaVinci Resolve.
- Drag the video clip to the timeline.
- Right-click on the clip and select "Stabilize."
- DaVinci Resolve will open the Stabilizer panel.
- In the Stabilizer panel, adjust the stabilization settings to your liking.
- Preview the stabilized video and make any necessary adjustments.
- Once satisfied, render the stabilized video.
- Finally, export the stabilized video from DaVinci Resolve and upload it to Google Photos.
These instructions are based on the general workflow for stabilizing videos in each software. However, it's important to note that the specific steps may vary depending on the versions and updates of the software. Always refer to the official documentation or help resources of the software for the most accurate instructions.