Lens Cap is a simple and modern app that disables your phone or tablet's camera
It is useful for job-related camera restrictions and blocks apps from using the camera without your permission.
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Also you can add widget in your Control centre to easily Enable & Disable your Camera.
Open Source!
You can view the source code at http://github.com/percula/LensCap
This app uses the Device Administrator permission. Specifically, it uses the "Disable Cameras" permission within Device Administrator. This permission allows the application to have system level access in order to disable and re-enable the camera on the installed device. Lens Cap does not use this permission for any other reason. More information on this permission and how it is implemented can be found on the Google Developer website: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin.html
Lens Cap also uses the In-App-Purchase permission to determine whether the user has donated. Donations are completely optional and do not add any additional functionality to the app. The ability to donate was added because some kind users requested the ability to donate :-).
NOTE: This app is not compatible with Android 11
In Android 11, Google removed the ability to disable cameras using Device Administrator (the method Lens Cap uses) in favor of enterprise Work Profiles. Sadly, this marks the end of Lens Cap. If you think you've found a work-around, please let me know or submit a PR to the project on Github!
Note to Custom Android ROM Users:
There is a bug within some custom Android ROMS including OxygenOS and LineageOS that prevents Lens Cap from operating properly. If you experience an issue, please contact me and also file a bug report with the ROM. Make sure to mention there is an issue with the ROM's implementation of the Device Administration API.
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