What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google.

They can generate revenue on either a per-click or permission basis. Google beta-tested a cost per action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a Double click offering (also owned by Google).In  2014, Google earned US$3.4 billion ($13.6 billion annualized), or 22% of total revenue, through Google AdSense.

The content-based advertisements can be targeted at users with certain interests or contexts. The targeting can be CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions) based, the only significant difference in CPC and CPM is that with CPC targeting, earnings are based on clicks while CPM earnings recently are actually based not just per views/impression but on a larger scale, per thousand impressions, therefore driving it from the market, which makes CPC ads more common.

There are various ad sizes available for content ads. The ads can be simple text, image, animated image, flash video, video, or rich media ads. At most ad sizes, users can change whether to show both text and multimedia ads or just one of them. As of November 2012, a grey arrow appears beneath AdSense text ads for easier identification. Google made a policy update regarding the number of ads per page, the three ads per page limit has been removed.

                                         Source : Wikipedia 

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