Proud Moment for Kerala | Santhosh George Kulangara

 Santhosh George Kullangara Sir to be India’s first space tourist. Isn’t it wonderful that a Keralite representing India is going to space as a space tourist? Malayalees are familiar with the name Santhosh George Kulangara, and his travel channel Safari. His program Sancharam is noted for his ambiguous travel expeditions and presentations of his travelogues in a unique and narrative method. He also serves as the head of Labour India publications. He has already traveled around 130 countries and is telecasted through his Sancharam, the first visual travelogue in Malayalam. And now it’s time for his expedition to space, he is the first Indian space tourist going to space through Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Mission by early 2022.

It all started in the year 2005 when Mr. George came across an ad where the chance of a common man to explore space through a mission organized by Branson was noted. Mr. George thought of giving it a chance and mailed it to the organizers. In the year 2007, after a long run of interviews, tests, and contracts, the 49-year-old Santhosh George Kulangara was selected for the project making not just Kerala but India a proud nation.

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                                               Source : @yathrakaar

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